Friday 22 June 2012

The Vernham Chronicles - a gentle respite from the usual read!

How does one start a blog with the sole intention of flogging a novel one has written?
How does one convince prospective buyers to buy a copy of one’s novel when the subject of that novel is nonsense?
The Vernham Chronicles is a nonsensical trip into an imaginary English village where its natives are less than normal.
Here is the rear cover blurb that sums up this little novel well:-

Vernham, a pretty but mindless little village, loiters pointlessly in the beautiful English countryside of Vernbury Vale, almost suspended in time. It's got bags of charm - cobbled streets, 16th-century houses, and so on, but there's something a bit odd about it...Vernhamites are somewhat eccentric - oddballs most of them, miscreants and deviants - but you'll grow to like them. Averse to technology, immersed in their own quaint rituals, they even refuse the GBP1 coin as acceptable currency. Alcohol is a big pastime, the vicar being its biggest participator - but with reverse vandalism rife, Vernham's got its good points! Pity it's no place for outsiders, but you're welcome to take a sneaky peek. Be warned though, don't linger unless you're an exhibitionist, counterfeit Scotsman, or enjoy painting garden snails! Take a light-hearted walk down memory lane with a difference - it won't hurt. Have fun!

The Vernham Chronicles is suited to the reader that is tired of the serious world of dynamic novels.
The Vernham Chronicles is a charming little novel that is perhaps dark around the edges.
If you enjoy a wickedly childish giggle at other’s misfortune, The Vernham Chronicles could be right up your street!

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